Strength Studio

Improving our clients lives through resistance exercise



Strength Studio was founded in 2019 with the purpose of improving our client’s lives through resistance exercise. In order to do this we knew we had to help remove the biggest barrier to why people don’t exercise (lack of time), while still producing the best results for our clients. With this in mind, it helped us establish our efficient, evidence-based approach.

At the same time, we knew that wasn’t enough. We knew we had to help incorporate a deeper purpose for someone to stay consistent, and with that in mind we came up with the “Train For Life” mindset. At Strength Studio we understand how important it is for someone to reach their short term goals, but we strongly believe that exercise shouldn’t be performed for just a means to an end; it should also be performed for life. In fact, when done correctly, resistance training is the only form of exercise that provides us with the all-encompassing, health protective and life giving benefits we seek. Because of that, your workouts at strength studio will impact your life and what you do on a daily basis for years to come.


“If you like an exercise, chances are you’re doing it wrong”

-Arthur Jones


The History

At Strength Studio our approach to resistance exercise stems from the high-intensity resistance training methodology that was pioneered by Arthur Jones in the 1970’s and 80’s. Arthur Jones challenged much of the fitness enthusiast, athletes, and bodybuilders alike in the way they exercised stating “work harder, but very briefly and infrequently”. Thus, getting better results in less time.

Total-body Workout

Since your body functions as a whole, we train it as a whole. The workout you perform will be a total-body routine and will consist of single-joint and multi-joint exercises that are performed safely with a slow-and-controlled speed of movement to the point of momentary muscle failure. Performing a workout in this manner creates a greater metabolic stimulus on your body (burn more calories), allows for greater systemic adaptations, and makes it more efficient than focusing on one body part each day.

Your workouts will be challenging, safe, effective, and efficient. You will feel the difference immediately.

  • Safety is our first priority when training you. Our Exercise Professionals are committed to watching your form and speed of movement on every exercise to ensure your workouts are safe and still productive. The foundation of effective exercise is SAFE exercise.

  • While performing an exercise you will be coached to move slow-and-controlled. Moving slow-and-controlled while lifting the weight and lowering the weight has been proven to be safer, and more productive in increasing strength.

    The excessively slow lifting speed provides two beneficial effects. First, by moving slowly, the weight cannot get moving under its own momentum and this enhances muscular loading and intensifies the exercise. Second, the slow movement eliminates acceleration. Since force = mass x acceleration, we can greatly reduce the amount of force that the trainee will encounter, thus making it safer and more productive exercise.

  • When performing exercises at Strength Studio you will be coached to work through a full range of motion on every exercise to ensure proper muscle and joint function, and to enhance your flexibility.

    When setting up an appropriate exercise training program, the performed exercise should track muscle and joint function and apply resistance through a full range of motion. When exercise is performed in this manner, you will be doing everything that you should (and could) to improve your flexibility, and ensure joint safety.

  • During your workout you will perform one set of each exercise to momentary muscle failure. Momentary muscular failure is the point at which you can no longer physically perform a rep with perfect form. The research has proven that performing one set to momentary muscle failure is all you need to do to achieve the best results in the least amount of time.

  • “Intensity”, also known as your level of effort, is the most important controllable factor in achieving the results you want from your workout. During your workouts you will be challenged, but this challenge is individualized to you and your level of physical fitness. We promise to tailor the intensity of your workout specifically to you on each exercise, each workout, and based on injuries, medical conditions, comfort level, etc.

  • We (and the research) recommend training 1-2 times per week, at most, to get the best results, and that’s it! Once our body receives the exercise stimulus (the workout), it must now rest, recover, and adapt from the exercise you've done. Can you workout more than that? Yes, but the research says you don’t need too. In fact, anything more will probably hinder your results.

  • Our resistance machines are state-of-the-art and include Medx, Nautilus, Hammer Strength, Rogers Pendulum, Power Block, and ARX (Adaptive Resistance Exercise).

    Incorporated into every machine is decades worth of experience and millions of dollars of research and development. Each machine operates with bio-mechanic precision at a very low level of friction and offers a choice of resistance in 1-2 pound increments, ensuring a weight that is just right - not too heavy and not too light - for rapid and steady progress.


“If I could give only one message to every man and woman that would most impact their health, it would be this: Just Lift Weights.”

—Doug McGuff, M.D



When done correctly, resistance training is the only form of exercise that provides us with the all-encompassing, health protective and life giving benefits we seek.

  • Improve Body Composition (muscle-to-fat ratio)

  • Increase Metabolic Rate (burn more calories at rest)

  • Improve Cardio-Metabolic Health

  • Increase Bone Mineral Density

  • Prevent Muscle Atrophy - Age-related muscle loss known as Sarcopenia

  • Improve Cognitive Function, Self-esteem, and Combat Depression

  • Enhance Athletic Performance

  • Reduce Risk of Injury

  • Decrease Joint Aches and Pains

  • Enhance Flexibility

  • Improve Sleep Quality

  • Improve Digestion

  • Improve Blood Pressure Levels

  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity / Decrease Blood Sugar Levels

  • Improve Cholesterol Levels




Strength training isn’t solely for people who are already in good health. Instead, strength training, done properly is an incredibly therapeutic form of exercise. If you have joint aches, lower back pain, or are recovering from an acute injury, don’t wait until your health is perfect to start strength training. Our exercise professionals will tailor the strength training prescription to adapt to your current health and injury status. In fact, more often than not, an intelligent approach to strength training is foundational in restoring optimal health and function. Our exercise professionals have advanced training, degrees, and certifications allowing them to effectively work with clients with an array of injuries, ailments, and medical conditions.


Schedule Your FREE Demo Workout Today!

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